Diatech Deal – Diatech Pacemaster is 1st place for 2,400 cuts*

The Pacemaster is the highest quality concrete blade in the Diatech fleet, with 300, 400, 450, 500 and 600mm diameters available. Pacemaster blades can deliver approximately 2,400 dry and wet cuts in concrete materials.

These diamond blades offer outstanding performance and have laser welded segments.

Save twice! With up to £200 off the largest blades, you spend more time cutting and less time changing blades, so you accelerate your job!

Why bother?

  • Wanting to work smarter and not harder? We can help.
  • Need to get going tomorrow to get that project sorted? We can help.

Call our friendly team on 0800 916 8563, and they’ll help get you sorted.

* 2,400 cuts is an estimate and will vary based on length of cut and material specifications